Gemini monthly tarot-horoscope: December 2021

Gemini is your December "seven of swords" tarot card. See what awaits you in December 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Gemini monthly love tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: if you are tired of your current partner, you will be tempted to simply give it up, without any other form of litigation. It is this aspect of Jupiter that thus drives you to extremes. But nothing will prevent you from choosing an intermediate path. Single, after a short period of halftones, this time you will have a great chance of a meeting that can turn your life around.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: the marital climate will be especially warm. It's not going to be a hot passion between you and your partner yet, but things will tend to improve eye-to-eye. A little more effort, dialogue, and understanding, and you will go on a new honeymoon. Single, you recently offered each other quite a few heartbeats. But now hopeless adventures will no longer tempt you, and you will strive to find great love. A little patience! This love may well appear at the end of the period.

Gemini monthly career tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: you are very motivated and decided to strengthen your professional position, you will still feel that your efforts are in vain. You will have to be patient. The situation will clear up soon.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: this time in your craft, you will be determined to overcome all obstacles, overcome all difficulties, to achieve your goal. However, at this time, more than ever, it would be unwise to go alone. Instead, combine your efforts with those of your colleagues or loved ones to better promote your plans. Did you know that "the power of even very mediocre people is asserted in the Union" ?

Gemini monthly health tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: physically, you will be in very good shape thanks to the support of Mars. But don't abuse your resistance and try to sleep more. However, bad Neptune impulses can cause subjects of the second decanter to have some circulatory problems, dizziness, or cause them to have aesthetic problems.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: having a much better overall tone than recently, you will also be able to adopt a good lifestyle. You, who adore small dishes in sauce, will even be able to seriously balance your diet this time. Which, of course, will bring you the greatest benefit!

Gemini monthly money tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: even if financial problems make your life difficult, don't get upset. However, you will have to tighten your belt and limit unnecessary expenses. However, with Neptune in excellent shape, you can count on luck; you can also make successful financial transactions.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: planetary influences will be especially favorable for you at this time. You need to know how to use this deal and keep you looking for good deals. Circumstances will allow you to make very profitable financial transactions.

Gemini: monthly tarot-horoscope December 2021 advises you

Gemini monthly tarot-horoscope December 2021 advises you: planetary impulses will lead to carelessness and frivolity. You will probably be on the moon most of the time. To prevent unpleasant consequences of such a situation, take all possible precautions, including putting everything in black and white that you need to do.

With this aspect of Pluto, You are at an important turning point in your existence. You will have several options, and you will have to choose carefully. In any case, you know exactly what you don't want, which will make your decision easier. Some of you will draw a big line in your past. In any case, you will not keep both feet in the same hoof.

Gemini: November 2021
