Leo monthly tarot-horoscope: December 2021

Leo is your December "seven of wands" tarot card. See what awaits you in December 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Leo monthly love tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: you will be at the mercy of sentimental thunderstorms. Lightning strikes, arguments, jealousy - everything will be there. Even though you will try to control your reactions, you will not be able to handle it. This is understandable, since" the heart has its reasons, which the mind does not know " the Only way to limit the damage will be to treat things with great humor.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: Venus and Mars, the planets of love, will be favorable to you, as will Jupiter, the planet of the joy of life. With these three allies, you can easily improve your quality of life together. Your relationship with your spouse or partner will be marked by harmony and complicity. When you are alone, you will experience a delightful feeling of carelessness at this moment and want to enjoy the present moment. Your adventures will be many. Engagement or wedding-it will be later!

Leo monthly career tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: your work should bring you some pleasant joys in addition to convenient earnings. More vivid and creative than usual, you will probably have the opportunity to leave the role of second fiddle to play the stars. So don't pay any more attention to the details, go faster without looking back.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: for most of you, the period will be without a professional history. But some natives of the third Dean, however, run the risk of encountering a problem that arose as a result of past choices or actions. If this is your case, don't wait to solve it, you will achieve it without much harm.

Leo monthly health tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: you will enjoy an excellent nervous balance and, in addition, you will effectively manage your energy capital. Result: your dynamism will make many envious.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: good background resistance. Protected by Jupiter, you will mostly be in excellent physical and moral shape. But be careful: Jupiter makes too optimistic and good alive, if you succumb to gluttony, you will not escape digestive embarrassment.

Leo monthly money tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: stability of your finances. With the support of the Sun in a beautiful appearance, they will wear themselves quite satisfactorily. Expenses will soon be offset by receipts, some of which are quite unexpected. You will be persuasive in your negotiations and transactions, showing sometimes even remarkable flair.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: with this aspect of mercury, it would be good to choose a time to try to change Your behavior towards money. Too often you suffer from limitlessness, not because you don't earn enough, but because you don't spend enough. The most important thing is to master your irrational impulses: you often buy for the pleasure of buying, not for possessing, and even more so for enjoying your purchases.

Leo: monthly tarot-horoscope December 2021 advises you

Leo monthly tarot-horoscope December 2021 advises you: as always, you will be relatively well protected financially. Know to value your privilege and see it as compensation for possible failures in other areas. Don't continue to neglect what you can really enjoy right now and crave what is still eluding you. "When you don't have what you love, you have to love what you have"
Don't imagine that life has been particularly harsh and unfair to you. Rather, count your advantages. If you are not satisfied with your fate, you will have to take responsibility only for yourself. "The well is not too deep, but the rope is too short"

Leo: November 2021
