Leo monthly tarot-horoscope: July 2021

Leo is your July "nine of cups" tarot card. See what awaits you in July 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Leo monthly love tarot-horoscope: July 2021

The first half of the July Tarot horoscope: the stars will plunge you into an exceptional love frenzy. You will lead forward two or three passions, and you will enjoy all to the maximum. But it is possible that your heart will remain insatiable, and it would be right to think about whether you feel truly happy. Under the influence of Venus, you will, if you live together, be much better prepared than usual to make the concessions that your married life demands. The results will be instant: your relationship with your spouse or partner will improve dramatically.

The second half of the July Tarot horoscope: with mercury under your sleeve, it will be easier for you to go outside and Express what you feel. This is a plus for your marital relationship, because your reluctance has so far hurt you. An unmarried, completely harmless sentimental adventure may initially have an unexpected meaning in your life. All your habits will be broken, and you will pass without transition from ecstasy to melancholy. Your little heart will take a serious but wonderful blow.

Leo monthly career tarot-horoscope: July 2021

The first half of the July Tarot horoscope: there can't be a better time than this to complete a large-scale professional project. The barriers that you violently attacked will suddenly disappear, as if spellbound, allowing you to surrender to yourself. Since the path is now clear, you will no longer have any reason to hesitate, to delay. You just need to be careful and realistic.

The second half of the July Tarot horoscope: with this aspect of Pluto, needless to say, you will have the heart to improve your professional situation. But it probably won't be very easy: success won't fall into your beak! Far from discouraging you, possible obstacles will strengthen your will and combat capability. Your perseverance will undoubtedly pay off.

Leo monthly health tarot-horoscope: July 2021

The first half of the July Tarot horoscope: for many of you, the period may be marked by some anxiety. However, the discomfort that you suffer from will not have the severity that you give them. Rather, they will be used, subconsciously, as an excuse not to do something that scares you.

The second half of the July Tarot horoscope: if you experience a bad March impulse, you will have a very capricious appetite at this time. Then you will be tempted to feed yourself anarchically. Try to discipline yourself a little, or you will not hesitate to deal with the consequences of this imbalance in food. Try to take at least three meals a day, during normal hours, avoiding snacking at any time of the day or even at night.

Leo monthly money tarot-horoscope: July 2021

The first half of the July Tarot horoscope: with the growth of the planet Uranus, you will make a big step towards strengthening your financial position. You will spare no effort to increase your purchasing power and manage your finances carefully. All your efforts will be quickly rewarded. A small chance in gambling, most likely.

The second half of the July Tarot horoscope: mercury in this aspect will help you increase your income. But this luck does not mean that you will be immune from difficulties. You run the risk of being very careless, spending these additional revenues, and being extremely careless in managing your budget. Now is not the time to play with cicadas.

Leo: monthly tarot-horoscope July 2021 advises you

Leo monthly tarot-horoscope July 2021 advises you: it is very likely that this period will cause dramatic changes in your life, which will end only in a few years. You must do everything possible to direct this transformation in a constructive direction before it is too late. Know this: "man, no matter what is said, is the master of his own destiny. From what is given to him, he can always do something"
Don't get it into your head that no one loves you, or you won't make it! Try to find the positive aspect of any situation, and take advantage of this period to gain greater emotional autonomy.

Leo: June 2021

Leo: August 2021
