Leo monthly tarot-horoscope: October 2021

Leo is your October "page of pentacles" tarot card. See what awaits you in October 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Leo monthly love tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: if you are still developing in the love void, the stars will play nasty from your heart. The lack that needs to be filled will be acutely felt. This will more or less affect all other areas of your life, so much is it true that when the heart doesn't go nothing goes. Oh, how I would like to die of love for someone who deserves it! Be patient, don't despair, it will come, it will come! With the blessing of the stars, the couple's life will be harmonious. It will be larger if you are on vacation with your partner or spouse.

The second half of the October Tarot horoscope: you will strive for success in married life, and you will be able to afford it. Your efforts to establish a good partnership with your partner will be successful. Single, your love relationship will experience some animation. This period will be favorable for flirting. Charming and easily charmed, you run the risk of falling deeply in love under the influence of Uranus, the planet of change.

Leo monthly career tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: the professional sector will enjoy a favorable wind. You will have the energy to successfully defend your positions. In addition, luck will not be absent from your sky, a phone call, a banal date can significantly advance your business. Now that the obstacles are removed and the path is clear, no more hesitation, run!

The second half of October Tarot horoscope: you will have no shortage of either in the momentum or optimism. This will be the time to get you involved in a professional project that requires punch and cheekiness. But you need to dominate your aggressiveness, otherwise the situation will become critical. First of all, avoid making an irrevocable decision on a whim.

Leo monthly health tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: since the Sun is the principle of vitality and dynamism, it will cost you a good basic resistance, both physical and mental. If you regularly suffer from a certain disease, take advantage of this favorable time to try a new treatment or see a new therapist, you will certainly find methods of care that are better suited and with which you only need to boast.

The second half of the October Tarot horoscope: Mars, the master of energy, will give you a great tone. So you will be in dazzling shape. Those of you who suffer from a long-term condition will see their condition improve, it will be time to try new treatments.

Leo monthly money tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: in financial terms, your plans will be quite satisfactory, and astral impulses will help you implement them without much difficulty. However, you should know to avoid being consumed by excessive ambitions.

The second half of the October Tarot horoscope: the sun will have a very positive impact, helping you maintain your financial balance or even better manage your budget. Jupiter, for its part, will cost you a very lush phase financially. There will be time to apply for a bonus, sign contracts, and review your investments... You will succeed.

Leo: monthly tarot-horoscope October 2021 advises you

Leo monthly tarot-horoscope October 2021 advises you: will be a target for some so-called friends who tell you not very flattering things about you everywhere. This can make you very upset. And why is that? "When the root is deep, why fear the wind? When a tree is straight, why be upset if the Moon casts a slanting shadow on it? "
Install a watertight barrier between your work and love adventures, and avoid sentimental relationships with a colleague If you want to prevent unbreakable complications.

Leo: September 2021

Leo: November 2021
