Tarot reading - Scorpio horoscope for 2021

Tarot reading - Scorpio horoscope for 2021 

Good day, Scorpio - your Tarot Card-horoscope for 2021, Queen of swords. Let's see what's in store for you in 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value; it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Tarot-horoscope all zodiac signs for 2021

The Tarot horoscope for the upcoming year 2021 suggests that Scorpios will be haunted by instability. You will have to face difficulties in all spheres of life. If you show commitment in every bad situation, everything will be fine at the end of the year. Conflicts will arise in relationships with the opposite sex. But if you pay attention to the details and analyze the situation-everything will turn out well. To take care of your health, you need to arrange a vacation in April. But summer vacation can hurt. If you listen to the advice-the year will be remembered for good events...

Tarot reading - Scorpio Love horoscope for 2021 

The first trimester of the Tarot horoscope: after the recent unpleasant friction, you will be able to restore a harmonious relationship with your partner, having mastered your instinctive side. The shining sun will return to your loving sky. If you live alone, these days seem quite favorable for a high-class meeting. Most likely, you will encounter someone who will attract you irresistibly, with whom you will experience a real sexual passion. Even better, this discovery of ecstasy will be accompanied by such inflamed feelings.

Second trimester of the Tarot horoscope: well-inspired, you will change your normal behavior to achieve marital harmony. Instead of looking for a fight with your spouse or partner and passionate arguments and reconciliation to spice up life together, you will promote dialogue and complicity. And you will do it very well! Single people will experience a favorable period. The time will be perfect if they want to reach out to the other sex, because they will have more courage, more aplomb than usual. Many Scorpions, guided by the desire for material well-being, will tend to enter into marriages of reason. This is not necessarily a bad choice, because you know exactly what you want.

Third trimester of the Tarot horoscope: no planet will interfere with your married life. This way, you will have a free field for peaceful life with your spouse or partner, regardless of whether they are new or old. If you live alone, you will enjoy flirting. In some cases, you will have a tendency to easily communicate, but also to break away even faster. Simple loves will seem boring to you, and the person will seem worthy to you only in so far as he will resist your advances. But you risk letting go of your prey for the sake of the shadow!

Fourth trimester of the Tarot horoscope: your relationship with your spouse or partner looks much calmer than it has recently. Indeed, this time you will find a much more positive mindset, and it will be easier for you to re-weave a powerful bond of complicity with your loved one. If you are alone, you will be overly inclined to run after anything that moves. You will feel the need to renew your love. You will deploy treasures of eloquence to achieve your goals. It goes without saying that these wonderful oratorical contests will be a prelude to rapprochement, as is true.

Tarot reading - Scorpio Career horoscope for 2021 

The first trimester of the Tarot horoscope: at the professional level, favorable circumstances will arise. For some Scorpions, there will be openness in relations with a foreigner. For others, promotion prospects or flattering offers. You will be able to take responsibility and show a lively fervor at work. Young people looking for work will find an activity that matches their abilities and wishes, and will be highly appreciated for their enthusiasm and dynamism.

Second trimester of the Tarot horoscope: many planets will help you secure your professional position. If you want to change your position, you will be offered someone who tempts you without requiring you to do so. If you are unemployed, you will quickly find a job. If you want to settle in your account or do something original, you will be interested to try your luck.

The third trimester of the Tarot horoscope: mercury in this aspect will awaken your intellectual alertness and sense of adaptation, which will obviously be useful in professional terms. Your desire for change and innovation will be sharper than usual. In any case, your work will bring you great satisfaction.

Fourth trimester of the Tarot horoscope: enjoy this very quiet time in your work. You don't have a lot to do, and your tasks will not require much effort from you. But still don't sleep on both ears: in a few weeks everything will start to move in your professional life. Get ready now to take advantage of the necessary opportunities that will soon present themselves.

Tarot reading - Scorpio Health horoscope for 2021 

First trimester of the Tarot horoscope: thanks to the support of Saturn, your physical and nervous resistance will be quite good. But you still have to beware of Mars, which can cost you a few minutes of fatigue or, conversely, overexcitation and nervousness. If this is the case, try taking a little NAP at the beginning of each day: it will be associated with a miracle!

The second trimester of the Tarot horoscope: Mars, the energy star, will look good. This will help you maintain a perfect physical and moral balance. However, don't let your guard down completely: the Black Moon is still set in one sector of your sky, and it may Wake up some chronic problems. If this is the case, don't wait to cure yourself: you will find an effective treatment.

The third trimester of the Tarot horoscope: the Sun in this aspect will cost you excellent vitality. In addition, Mars, the planet of energy, in harmony with your sign, will increase your dynamism tenfold. And since there is no negative planet will not affect your health, you will have a good immune resistance. If you come out of an illness or suffer from a long-term condition, this period will be marked by a good recovery or clear improvement.

The fourth trimester of the Tarot horoscope: the health-related areas of your constellation will not contain any planets. Result: your health will not be threatened by capital. However, with Mars and the Sun, two life force stars forming a tense configuration, you can sometimes feel in a little shape. It will only be a slight surface fatigue, and you will recover quickly. But it may cost you some moments of great nervousness. If you find it difficult to sleep, do not rush to sleeping pills ; read a good novel, you will make up for lost time in the following nights.

Tarot reading - Scorpio Money horoscope for 2021 

First trimester of the Tarot horoscope: stars will help you strengthen or improve your financial situation. Many of you will even get the right to increase your income. But don't rest on your laurels and don't forget to take advantage of this period of good fortune to think about the future. It will be time or never, for example, to buy a house that suits you; you will find a very interesting opportunity and will be able to make a loan in very good conditions. Also consider placing your savings or investing them: you won't lose.

Second trimester of the Tarot horoscope: with this astral configuration with clear uranium dominance, the forecast is very good for investments and bonds. Scorpios will be well inspired in their deals. You can even add that they tend to get more financial chances than usual.

Third trimester of the Tarot horoscope: this aspect of Neptune will cost you some financial protection. If you are in debt, it will be time to negotiate the distribution of your payments. Similarly, if you want to change your investments or reinvest them, this period will be favorable for you.

The fourth trimester of the Tarot horoscope: mercury in this aspect should help you improve your income or at least balance your budget. It will be time or never to make an appointment with your banker and see with him how you could better use your accounts. If you have money to place, trust your gut : it will allow you to find the right plans.

Tarot card of the yearly advises:

Tarot horoscope advice from the Queen of swords, map for 2021: Scorpions can approach the New year 2021 with confidence: the year is very lush for them, in all areas. But on one condition: that they avoid all haste. They really run the risk that they will want to ruin everything at the very moment when only patience will allow them to achieve their goals. So the priority of the year will be patience.

Since so many planets are favorable, natives of the sign will receive the muscular support of the sky. They can expect a year of expansion in their work and financially. But the influence of this favorable sky will be much more significant from the point of view of the senses. After all, you will be predisposed to love. Meeting a kindred spirit, creating a happy couple is perhaps the most important project of your existence. Those who live alone have a chance to meet the perfect partner this year.

Horoscope 2021 for Scorpio: your Ascendant tells you more

Your ascendant tells you more

Ascending to Aries: the sentimental climate will be both explosive and tender, under the influence of Venus ' impulses. You will do everything out of the ordinary. Real fireworks: you will love with rage and passion, you will lose your mind and heart. Release yourself to preserve your joy of life; however, save a few necessary fuses.

Ascending to Taurus: a lot of promising projects! But be patient. You will have to overcome obstacles before you can implement these projects, because only in June will you get the green light from the stars to act effectively.

Ascending to Gemini: a year under the guidance of Venus, as a result, a soft atmosphere, very favorable for peaceful love and happy moments next to your loved one. Couples will deepen their connections and confidence in their sentimental future. Bachelors will indulge in representatives of the other sex. Bonus for male singles : they will notice the transition from friendship to a much more tender and intimate relationship. Ah, how beautiful life is!

Ascendig to Cancer: the planet mercury will inspire you to show ingenuity and the ability to transform your social and professional life in the right direction for you. However, beware of excessive independence, which will force you to make impulsive and arbitrary decisions.

Ascending to Lion: your home life probably hasn't given you all the satisfaction you have a right to expect. Keep in mind, however, that over time, current family problems will eventually disappear. However, it is necessary from the very beginning of this year to begin to find out and eliminate all their causes.

Ascending to Virgo: in work, you will need to decide to shake your habits. So, be prepared to radically change your working methods to be more competitive, or navigate new directions. You will get everything you can.

Ascending to Libra: beware of excessive spending ! Know that money embarrassments are not only exhausting in personal terms, but also dangerous in relationships and in love.

Ascending to Scorpio: watch your fork strike! Even if you are not sure about this, diet plays a key role in maintaining good health. And, if you overeat and overeat, you may well be entitled to some trouble. Without becoming an ascetic, try to at least limit the amount of food, as well as reduce too fat or too sweet food.

Ascending to Sagittarius: family responsibilities will seem heavy to you. Try to use less obscenities to your loved ones. If your children are not doing well at school, treat it with humor and philosophy.

Ascending to Capricorn: animated by great strength and unwavering will, you will sooner or later reach your goals. You also know how to be patient. You will not let it go until you are satisfied.

Ascending to Aquarius: you will take the bull by the horns, determined to move to realize your highest professional ambitions. Luck will support your efforts. You should be careful not to show yourself too arrogant or too authoritative with your colleagues.

Ascending to Pisces: this year, mercury will help you communicate better with your professional environment. This will be a time for dialogue, offering your ideas, even negotiations. But always take a soft attitude, a low profile, even if you are sure that you are completely right.

Tarot-horoscope all zodiac signs for 2021
