Libra monthly tarot-horoscope: October 2021

Libra is your October "knave of swords" tarot card. See what awaits you in October 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Libra monthly love tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: pay attention to the whims of the couple's life! You will suddenly start playing spoiled children. But your spouse is unlikely to be in the mood to appreciate it. You will have to prove your sense of responsibility. Unmarried, an important page of your love life will be written. For some, a long-standing friendship will take a more intimate turn. Others will experience an irresistible attraction to a seductive person. Very soon we will be talking not only about desire but also about love.

The second half of the October Tarot horoscope: conflicts, mainly due to your nervousness, can disrupt your couple. Natives of the sign will be more vulnerable to this nervousness than their male counterparts; they will worry, especially if they are engaged in an external profession. Single, if you haven't met your soulmate yet, it will most likely be done this time. But, of course, do not wait in your corner for the meeting of your dreams. Visit an environment where you feel comfortable, show yourself in the best light, get four pins.

Libra monthly career tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: you will pass an interesting stage at work, and only some details will still cause you a small problem. Clearly define your obligations and strictly fulfill them.

The second half of the October Tarot horoscope: the planets may reserve a few surprises for you in your professional life. On the one hand, some stars will continue to motivate you and make you want to implement your plans. On the other hand, Pluto will cause delays or conflicts in your work.

Libra monthly health tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: you will wear as well as possible, showing exceptional endurance. Homeopathy and natural products are perfect for those who have small permanent problems. A good period for cosmetic surgery.

The second half of the October Tarot horoscope: excellent dynamism. Your main resistance will be impeccable. Those of you who suffer from chronic ailments will see their condition improve. All procedures aimed at restoring energy balance will be useful for you.

Libra monthly money tarot-horoscope: October 2021

The first half of the October Tarot horoscope: financial transactions will have a great chance of success, despite Perhaps some disappointments in your initial steps. However, you must be both careful and energetic to gain new advantages.

The second half of the October Tarot horoscope: mercury, the planet of skill, intelligence, and trade, should help you manage your budget well or find a way to improve your income. Uranus and Neptune, which will also affect your financial life, can sometimes blow some confusing or overly bold ideas out of you.

Libra: monthly tarot-horoscope October 2021 advises you

Libra monthly tarot-horoscope October 2021 advises you: in the friendly sphere, you will have pleasant moments. You will be surrounded by people who will understand you and help you at the right time. But don't forget that "the only way to have a friend is to be one"

You will get the impression, as you often do, that happiness is just an elusive shadow. Think again! Human happiness exists, and it is easy to achieve. First of all, tell yourself that" neither gold nor greatness makes us happy " Happiness is nothing but a state of contentment with yourself and your surroundings.

Libra: September 2021
