Scorpio monthly tarot-horoscope: May 2021

Scorpio is your May "knight of pentacles" tarot card. See what awaits you in May 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Scorpio monthly love tarot-horoscope: May 2021

The first half of the may Tarot horoscope: these days will be extremely favorable for an emotional reset. You will be able to break off your past attachments forever, or just thoroughly clean up the dust that has been polluting a relationship that has long been established - all you will need to feel liberated and start again with a partner who will look transformed.

The second half of the may Tarot horoscope: Ah, what a beautiful period in the future! This period will bring you happiness together on the earth; you will be fulfilled. Laughter, hugs, kisses... everything will be allowed when the Moon and Venus in your theme make you twinkle an eternity of love! Alone, you will float on a pink cloud. Your love will be a halo of mystery and a halo of romance. You will fully enjoy this idyllic climate.

Scorpio monthly career tarot-horoscope: May 2021

The first half of the may Tarot horoscope: in your work, try to prioritize the most urgent or mandatory tasks. Then the way will be clear for your beautiful beginnings. Take the right habit of liquidating your bonds as soon as they appear, instead of letting them accumulate and then hindering your progress or even demoralizing you. This habit is not as difficult to acquire as it seems!

The second half of the may Tarot horoscope: you play at a professional level! You will get more freedom of action and will be able to implement projects that you are interested in. Also, thanks to the combined influence of the Sun and Mars, you will have the energy and fighting ability necessary to overcome obstacles and achieve the most daring endeavors. However, sometimes you do not have enough perseverance, patience.

Scorpio monthly health tarot-horoscope: May 2021

The first half of the may Tarot horoscope: physically, you will not feel in perfect condition. You will feel that you are abnormally nervous. You will easily be impatient, irritable, changeable. Your activities may be more or less irregular due to your unstable health. But everything will be all right after a good night or two of sleep.

The second half of the may Tarot horoscope: in general, you will be in great shape thanks to the support of the Sun, which will give you impeccable vitality. However, with Uranus in the disharmonic aspect, you may experience some bouts of nervousness or poor stress tolerance. Beware: you will tend to add to and invent worries and insomnia when nothing justifies this state of mind.

Scorpio monthly money tarot-horoscope: May 2021

The first half of the may Tarot horoscope: pay attention to Mars, which will make you impulsive and spend. Seriously you better control your cravings to purchase. Beware of forgotten debts that need to be paid urgently, and other unpleasant surprises in the same style.

The second half of the may Tarot horoscope: with the shadow of Saturn hanging over your native sign, you will not have to relax your vigilance in the money question, and also spend your savings incorrectly and through and through. By making this restriction, you can still count on the support of Jupiter, the planet of luck. It should effectively protect you, and in some cases give you a pleasant surprise, for example, in the form of an unexpected bonus or welcome help from your family.

Scorpio: monthly tarot-horoscope May 2021 advises you

Scorpio monthly tarot-horoscope May 2021 advises: if you want to have more luck in life, then work hard to get it. The effort to achieve a goal usually brings good luck if you work hard to prepare for it. Thus fortune often favors the bold. A good mood is also friendly to good fortune: "I dare say that inner joy has some secret power to make fortune more favorable"

Friendship is good for your social situation. Know about it. Still, consider friendships what they are, a distraction, not wanting to take any material or direct advantage of them at any cost.

Scorpio: April 2021
