Scorpio monthly tarot-horoscope: February 2021

Scorpio is your February "king of swords" tarot card. See what awaits you in February 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Scorpio monthly love tarot-horoscope: February 2021

The first half of the February Tarot horoscope: put a little distance between you and your daughter-in-law if you want to keep your family agreement. Don't let it interfere with your marital life, otherwise, you will face awkward situations. Bachelor, love, love, these days you will only have this on your hands! Your sentimental horizon will grow so fast that you won't see the end of it. Meetings, dinners, and social events will contribute to the meetings.

The second half of the February Tarot horoscope: during this period in life together there will be jealousy, scenes with knives, followed by gentle reconciliation. In short, a very passionate atmosphere that exhausts the best relatives. Some natives will be drawn between their mate and the new encounter. For bachelors, this period will mark a Passionate meeting with a young and full of fervor, who will be able to distract them, make them laugh. In any case, your love life will flourish under the happy influence of the planet Venus.

Scorpio monthly career tarot-horoscope: February 2021

The first half of the February Tarot horoscope: you have developed projects that look great. But take the time to study them carefully, given that a small grain of sand not detected in time can capture a well-honed machine.

The second half of the February Tarot horoscope: your main professional goal at the moment will not be a success at any cost. Far from chasing honors and social recognition, you will first of all strive for activities that excite you and go beyond the ordinary. You devote a huge amount of time and energy to projects in which you invest a lot of yourself. Success and satisfaction are guaranteed.

Scorpio monthly health tarot-horoscope: February 2021

The first half of the February Tarot horoscope: "you will be less sensitive than any other to fatigue or overwork, capable of constant and even brutal efforts. You could compete very well in sports, you would beat everyone!

The second half of the February Tarot horoscope: you will have a lot of courage, and you will overcome your fears. This will allow you to solve your health problems without going around. And if you have to pass some painful but necessary exams, you will do them as soon as possible, instead of putting them off. In General, there is nothing to report about the general state of health.

Scorpio monthly money tarot-horoscope: February 2021

The first half of the February Tarot horoscope: the astral climate will be favorable for you in everything that concerns the material side of things. You can use this profitable period to implement financial projects that are most important to you. You will have the determination to assert your ambitions and the ability to realize them.

The second half of the February Tarot horoscope: in a material matter, it is probably not this time that you will make a fortune. However, if you carefully avoid risky financial transactions, you will not have too many problems with money. And when Jupiter is in a favorable position, be on the lookout for exceptional opportunities!

Scorpio: monthly tarot-horoscope February 2021 advises you

Scorpio monthly tarot-horoscope February 2021 advises: You will find yourself in the eye of a Typhoon. You will simultaneously experience multiple opposites coming from multiple planets. So expect a coalition of aggressive forces. But even their excess can allow you to face it with a serene forehead, like a rock on which the waves break. The more you can remain calm and polite, the more you will disappoint your opponents. And then you will have a strong ally from the middle of the month in the person of Jupiter: it will help you not to let yourself be dragged out and keep control of the situation.

You like your friends, that's good. But the worst part is that you spend too much time with them and don't regret the necessary moments of calm and awe. Don't forget that " loneliness is the mind, that diet is the body"

Scorpio: January 2021
