Virgo monthly tarot-horoscope: December 2021

Virgo is your December "king of cups" tarot card. See what awaits you in December 2021. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own value, it often differs from the reader's wishes.

Virgo monthly love tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: a happy ending will come in your married life. Venus will be there for something, but it's true that you put enough effort into making this event possible. Congratulations! Enjoy your happiness. However, do not fall asleep on your laurels. Continue to work on securing the benefits you have gained. Loneliness, sentimental trips, pleasant meetings should be considered with great caution, because this time you may find yourself tied up, while you still want to maintain your independence at all costs.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: from the side of the couple's life, this is a good time to start for you. The climate will lead to a very dramatic improvement in your relationship. You will need to share a sense of complicity and tenderness with your spouse or partner. Unmarried, you will be waiting to firmly stand Prince charming (or the perfect woman). And you risk, at the same time, not paying enough attention to the person you meet during this period. However, it has everything to make you happy!

Virgo monthly career tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: the period under the sign of professional success. Effective, fighting, you will achieve your goals. But generally speaking, be more diplomatic, otherwise problems may arise and break your beautiful momentum. In addition, you will have to take care of your organization so that it can take on your ambitions.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: Saturn in this aspect will strengthen your ambition and will. You will perform your tasks with a great sense of responsibility, but still retain the ability to innovate and try unconventional methods. This should allow you to score important points.

Virgo monthly health tarot-horoscope: December 2021

First half of the December Tarot horoscope: with Mars in the middle of your home sky this week, you risk getting nerves in the ball. To maintain good self-control, you will have to, on the one hand, drink a lot of water, and on the other hand, avoid exciting dishes, including spices, coffee and tea. Take a walk in nature if possible, otherwise walk to your workplace.

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: from the side of health, you will not have enough energy! However, be careful not to go through too many nerves and do not waste time on rest. Uranus, which is quite favorable to you, can really make you live without paying attention to your nervous limitations. Remember that sleep is a sovereign means to recharge your batteries and stay in good shape.

Virgo monthly money tarot-horoscope: December 2021

The first half of the December Tarot horoscope: is material success part of your goals ? Well, you will get satisfaction from achieving your goal during this period, at least partially. Thanks to the combined influence of certain stars, you will significantly expand and strengthen your financial position. Your Bank account will inflate at a glance!

The second half of the December Tarot horoscope: astral influences will still remain quite favorable for you. But pure luck will definitely turn away from you. So beware of your moments of euphoria that you will overtake the lunar climate of the period, so as not to spend money that you will not earn on Games or speculation.

Virgo: monthly tarot-horoscope December 2021 advises you

Virgo monthly tarot-horoscope December 2021 advises you: your internal balance requires you to spend time creatively. No longer spend most of your free time in front of a small screen. Get involved in photography, painting, modeling... and, why not, to computers with the Internet on the key.

You may be attracted to the so-called spiritual calls of some sect or supposed guru. Soar as much as you want to console yourself with the harsh realities of life. But absolutely refuse to allow yourself to mow, turn your back as soon as we try to extort money from you.

Virgo: November 2021
