Taurus weekly tarot-horoscope: 19-25 June 2021

Taurus is your weekly tarot card "the Magician". See what you can expect this week. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and obtain a final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own meaning, and they often differ from the reader's wishes.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Love

Couples: conjugal love will be under good auspices. If you have a little neglected your loved one recently. You will have free time! Take care of him and win - or return - his favor. Leave things a little out of the way for common joys. The period will be favorable for a good relationship between the couple and exquisite complications.

Lonely Taurus: you will feel that you have used your freedom. Now think about starting a house. Rejoice! You will have great chances to meet the ideal person during this period.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Money

The period as a whole is quite protected. Your financial balance will be stable. If you do not make impulsive decisions under the insidious influence of Pluto. Tarot cards tell you not to take risks and blow dangerous ideas out of thoughts. Avoid unreasonable purchases and risky investments.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Health

Good inner feeling! But some aspects speak of a tendency toward nervousness. If you can’t fall asleep! No need to stuff yourself with sleeping pills! Be patient, you can endure one or two more hectic nights. Under the influence of Neptune, your sleep rhythm will quickly recover.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Career

With this aspect of Jupiter, you should begin to see this week. New professional projects take shape. Keep your eyes and ears open! Good luck may happen unexpectedly. Everything will be unlocked very quickly. You can move forward! Not by the day, but by the hour to their goals.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Family

You will be completely at the same wavelength as your little family. Be it with your children or with your parents. You will have privileged relationships made of affection and complicity.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - quote of the week

"Spending your whole life in fear without fulfilling a single dream is cruel. Working in the sweat of your face for money and thinking that they will allow you to buy things that will make you happy is scary."

Taurus weekly tarot-horoscope: 12-18 June 2021
