Taurus weekly tarot-horoscope: 21-27 August 2021

Taurus is your weekly tarot card "three chalices". See what you can expect this week. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and obtain a final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own meaning, and they often differ from the reader's wishes.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Love

Couples: the arrival of Venus in the sector of love promises you a very favorable stage at the family level. Of course, there will always be Uranus, which can sometimes interfere with some sign natives living in pairs. The need for independence from one or the other, a slight lie or misunderstanding is possible. But all this should not go too far.

Lonely Taurus: a loving climate filled with sweetness and lightness. You will be prone to attack seduction and will be prone to a pleasant adventure, amiable flirtation. You do not burden yourself with difficult considerations.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Money

The total global influx is good for your finances. But you still have to be careful. To keep the situation under control. If you spend too much or start a risky investment! You can see that the odds have changed against you. Stay smart! Even though you will receive support from heaven.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Health

Pretty good health. You will not have huge energy reserves. But you can manage your schedule so you can relax. Take the opportunity to play sports. This will help you stay fit. Choose a non-violent activity, such as swimming, walking.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Career

Your perseverance and your enthusiasm will delight everyone who knows you. You will put the best chance on your side to achieve your goals. Also, your concentration will be much higher. This will make your task easier. Do not procrastinate.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - Family

You will encounter difficult responsibilities and you will have to devote a lot of attention to your family. But those whom you love will show you their love, and this will make you forget all your problems.

Tarot-horoscope Taurus - quote of the week

 “He who commands the army does not have belligerent zeal.”

Taurus weekly tarot-horoscope: 14-20 August 2021
