Gemini weekly tarot-horoscope: 03 - 09 September 2021

Gemini is your weekly tarot card "the stars". See what you can expect this week. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and obtain a final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own meaning, and they often differ from the reader's wishes.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Love

Couples: The marital area can be rich in thrills, both positive and negative. Pluto, the planet of passion and doubt at the same time, will have different consequences depending on your current situation. If you are happy with your household, you will be much more. Those whose marital life is shaky will experience serious difficulties.

Lonely Gemini: Your love ideal may finally be born thanks to the Venus competition. The meeting can happen this week and make a new turn in your existence. It can be a ram or a lion. Look at your surroundings: their love will be waiting for you.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Money

Financial fortune may visit you this week and provide you with an opportunity to round up your budget. If you are making big bucks, do not hesitate to consider investing in real estate, because it will be very rewarding.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Health

Several heavenly elements will unite to promise you a period of health. On the one hand, Mars, the planet of dynamism, will provide you with solid reserves of energy. But, the Sun will cost you good resistance. be careful not to overtighten the rope. To stay in good shape, take care of your diet, get enough sleep, and exercise daily.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Career

With Pluto in good shape, this week you will be determined to pursue your professional ambitions, despite the hurdles and low kicks of some colleagues. Planetary impulses will help you show your competence. But, try to take things a little less to heart so as not to exhaust yourself.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Family

Things will not go well in your family life. The creatures you love can reproach you for leaving them and blackmailing them with feelings. But there will be no risk of collapse: thanks to the support of Jupiter, you will be able to take control of the situation.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - quote of the week

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to seek it."

Gemini weekly tarot-horoscope: 27 August - 02 September 2021

Gemini weekly tarot-horoscope: 10 - 16 September 2021
