Gemini weekly tarot-horoscope: 13 - 19 August 2021

Gemini is your weekly tarot card "ace of pentacles". See what you can expect this week. You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. Modern astrology uses Tarot cards to confirm interpretations and obtain a final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own meaning, and they often differ from the reader's wishes.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Love

Couples: your relationship with your spouse or partner will improve. You will feel that he is closer to you, and then you will use all your seductive abilities to unfreeze him. Guaranteed efficiency!

Lonely Gemini: you will be as in yourself: irresistibly adorable and ready for prey from the heart to heart, never getting tired. The thought of dedicating yourself to one person will not affect you. However, around Friday, an electrifying meeting can make you change your mind!

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Money

Without being exposed to direct planetary influence in the financial sphere, you can easily manage your budget balance. But beware, when the planets are not in this way interested in your destiny, you should not count on their support to win the lotto or miraculously get monetary ease. If you want to improve your status in this way, it is up to you to act and give you the evil you need.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Health

The influence of Jupiter and Saturn in one of the health sectors of your topic can cost you some disruption if you neglect your health. Excess food, including anarchic sleep schedules, will cost you nothing. But at the same time, Mercury, well thought out, will help you quickly regain balance in the event of a minor health problem.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Career

the astral environment of the period can be a factor of luck for anything related to competitions, entrance exams, or promotion in general. It will assist those who work for a multinational corporation, an import-export firm, or international organizations. Good performance for all workers.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - Family

Jupiter and Mercury, in principle, will give you good times with loved ones. Your children in particular will find it very easy to live. Those of you who want to relocate will be able to find the house or apartment they dream of at this time.

Tarot-horoscope Gemini - quote of the week

"We agree with our shortcomings, but this is to refute us"

Gemini weekly tarot-horoscope: 06 - 12 August 2021

Gemini weekly tarot-horoscope: 20 - 26 August 2021
