Tarot-horoscope for the week from January 1 - 7, 2021: what should Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer be afraid of this week? And what should do to avoid trouble?

 This is your weekly "four of swords" Tarot card. Let's see what you can expect this week. You can find useful information contained in the tarot-horoscope. Modern astrology uses tarot cards to confirm interpretations and get the final forecast. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Tarot cards have their own meaning, and they often differ from the reader's wishes.

Compiled a Tarot horoscope warning for all zodiac signs. What to pay attention to from January 1 to January 7 signs of the first sector of the horoscope - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer? Read my Tarot forecast and take care of yourself.


If you constantly pretend that everything is in order, sooner or later you can reach the boiling point. Every dormant volcano wakes up sometime. The coming week brings you a rather aggressive flow of energy, but ... Learn to get support from your loved ones in stressful situations. You need your family more than you think.


Health is the most important thing. This is the motto you should follow this week. The cause of all diseases is stress. Let everything wait — take care of yourself. You've earned your vacation long ago. Until you give your body a high-quality reboot, nothing good will come out-either at home or at work.


There is a high probability that you will be bound hand and foot by tons of obligations. Don't resist, let the situation calm down, and then, when the time comes, delegate tasks to your colleagues. Don't wear everything on yourself — you will harm yourself. The second half of the week is ideal for shopping and financial investments.


This week it is not necessary to demonstrate a strong curiosity, this can lead to undesirable consequences. You will be too frivolous, and this, alas, is fraught with condemnation and gossip. But don't worry too much about what others think of you. Spit on everything, enjoy the moment.

Tarot-horoscope-quote of the week

"The key to success is desire. And it always burns in me."
