Virgo. Tarot-horoscope weekly-December 1-7

 Good day my dear!!!

I want to please you with a weekly tarot-horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Tarot-horoscope common and not everyone can come true completely. Since the zodiac sign is one and the attendees are all different.


General tarot-horoscope: 

Tarot card - Four wands

My dears, this week will be very pleasant for You. Meeting with relatives. Holiday in the circle of close people. State of joy. In any sphere of life, everyone will be happy to See you. Some have resolved issues with real estate, whether it is a sale or buy. Soon buy of the real estate. For some, this may be a long-awaited vacation trip or their native land. You will enjoy life in general.

Negative of the week:

Tarot card - page of cups

And in all this pleasant environment, there is a nuisance. Taking advantage of Your pleasant state. Someone will make an offer that You will agree to. But you can be deceived here. Or they promise and don't. This also applies to You. In a state of euphoria and relaxation, you can promise. But you will not be able to fulfill the promise. Conclusion, despite the good mood and increased sensuality! Don't promise people to do something that you won't be able to do later for one reason or another.

Positive of the week:

Tarot card - Eight swords

You will be able to get rid of your restrictions. Lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. Remove the blindfold and see. That the world is not as scary and terrible as you thought. You will be able to overcome your isolation and excessive shyness. Finally, decide on a question that has long tormented You and doubted the result.

Career and money: 

Tarot card - Knight wands

In the field of work and money, you will achieve success. Possible promotion to the post of Manager. Your enthusiasm will charge people and you will have like-minded people. Get the first results of your work. And in the monetary issue, this is an increase in income. The possibility of prospects for further growth and development. Do not be afraid of anything, act, and even if you have to take a risk.


Tarot card - Ace cups

In your relationships, too, everything is fine. Storm of emotions and feelings. And with a plus sign. Strong feelings, love. Complete trust in a partner. A state of happiness, and fulfillment. And for lonely Virgos, this is a pleasant meeting. Someone will find their new love.

Advice card tarot:

Tarot card - Knight cups

This week, act easy, treat people friendly. Show your love for the world.

Dear Virgos, this is an amazing week for You. You couldn't ask for better. I will be glad if you have everything exactly like this!!! I wish you this!
